Can You Go To Venice And Not Ride The Gondola?

First things first. I saw every store in Venice selling these masks for some festival that happens in February, and even though it was the middle of June, I knew I had to get one! So there I was, the only person wearing an out of season mask in Venice, but hey you do what you want when you poppin. A few hours after wearing my mask a few  others decided to join me and soon enough were a group of tourist wearing out of season masks… We were starting to look like a scene out of the purge.

Of course I rode the gondola, and I wore a shirt with a stripe on it to match with the drivers. Spoiler… The  water is dirty fam… and it stank! Anyways I cruised the canals with my mask on and music blasting (You already know I had to play that backstreet boys) all while making friends with the strangers passing by on other gondolas.

And finally to end this day a group of us went to a seafood restaurant where I decided to be adventurous and try something new… congratulations I played myself. I ordered the black ink squid and it was as nasty as it looked, and expensive. Long story short, I want my black ink money back.img_7298

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