5 Continents, 23 Countries, And this is where the World Tour Ends… For Now. (A Dedication To my Travel Friends)

2016-2019 I got to see and experience so many things and the best part was… You. Im currently back in school to become a physical therapist assistant and don’t know when Ill travel again. But until then, a dedication to my travel friends. I’ll see you again soon. Thank you for some of the best…

My Hostel Volunteer Experience

Sevilla was easily my favorite city in Spain.  I booked 4 days in my hostel but liked it so much I stayed for another 7. I was there so long the guests thought I was a volunteer. There so long the actual volunteers thought I was a volunteer haha. Anyways just a Glimpse of the…

The Rare Travel Days You Hope For

This was one of those travel days where everything you want/think will happen, actually does. The making friends with strangers, having good vibes, having a full day, getting some drink, and seeing where the night takes you. So I woke up in a hostel in Valencia, Spain and well hanging out in the common area…

The Best Friends I Made In Medellin

When I pulled up to Colombia, I decided I didn’t want to stay in a hostel but at the school instead. At the moment there was only one other person there and I heard she was Swedish. Yal know the company can make or break an experience so im hoping she would be cool. Last…

Livin With The Locals #IDontLetKidsWin

Alright so I got the opportunity to go to communa 13 (community 13) wich is really popular because of Pablo Escobar. But forget that, this is where the Culture is, away from the tourism. With the school I got chance to visit and play in my fist futbol (Soccer Tournament) against some youngins, and guess…

Welcome To Colombia ( The country I left My Heart In)

After a failed attempt to learn Spanish in Honduras I decided to try again only this time in Colombia. I had never been to a country in South America and Colombia sounded the coolest, so hey lets book a ticket and see what happens. I booked a stay at a Spanish school and what do…

Cellifornia World Tour 3: Epilogue

Aight so this was a test and ya boi graduated. Im a solo traveler. I will show up anywhere by myself and see what happens. A one-way ticket to Dubrovnik, Croatia led me to Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Spain, and the UK.  I remember when I took my first trip 2 years ago and I…

Some Of My Favorite Moments In London

Alright long story here but bear with me because a lot happened. So back in 2017 I was in Spain visiting my cousin for a few days and her roommate invited some chicks over. So they walk in and Im like “Yo no hablas espanol poco” (just soundin stupid fam). And shawty look at me…

My Favorite City Of All Time… London

Of All the cities I have ever been to, London is easily my favorite.  I love South-bank,  The clubs in Brixton, Tower Bridge, Stormzy, Nando’s, and most of all, I love that no matter what time of year it is, someone you know will always be traveling through London. No lie, the first time I…

My German Kidnappers In Morocco

Aight so look I started Morocco off on a low note. I rode the train the wrong direction for 2 hours in the wrong direction, I didn’t speak French or Arabic, and there was a little bit of culture shock.  Anyways the best thing that happened was me running into my German kidnappers. So I’m…

A Camel Cruise In Cairo

Back in 2015 I told my boi Calip that I was going to be in Egypt riding a camel into the sunset around the pyramids. Well after a 3 year delay it actually happened! I named my camel Nyla ( because its like the Nile get it haha), and me and the squad rode off….

I Was Looking For Wakanda And Decided To Start Here.

I’ve always wanted to go to Egypt and see the pyramids and after nearly 25 year, there I was. I gotta say, they really lived up to the hype and to this day they stand as the greatest tourist attraction I’ve ever seen. Yes, better than the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunate King T’Challa…

The Night I Teleported

Alright so boom… Ya mans Cellifornia was getting ready to go out with the squad and pre-gamed harder than before. Little did he know that the last shot of vodka would take him over the top. Aye I was ready for a big night.  Im feeling good and having a great time and I walk…

She Made Me Brazilian Spaghetti!

Alright so you know when you’re traveling and you pull up to a hostel, the first thing you’re thinking is “Man I hope there are some cool people here”. Anyways 5 mins after checking in, I’m sitting in the common area and I meet one of my most memorable travel friends to date, Thaiane! Anyways…

The Boi In Barcelona

So you know how you invite someone to come visit you when you live somewhere cool but they never actually come. Well I got one of these invites and being the trigga pulla that I am… I PULLED UP. Anyways I gotta cousin that lives in Spain teaching and English and she told me I…

Aye Bust A Move For My Camera

When you have a portable speaker, you never know what can pop off. Well yal know me and how I stay in giggin (dancing) through these streets with my music playing, it just so happened I ran into one of the homies and bruh had moves. My man said “Do you have Migos? Put me…

The Leaning Tower Of…. Love?

I want to lead this one off with saying that The Leaning Tower Of Pisa is lowkey trash. Skippable fam. Anyways we stopped by to get our typical touristy “take this photo because someone said its important” picture and it was wack. Of course everyone had the same unoriginal pose of pushing the tower so…

Burano Island Bliss

After another evening in Venice we headed to the nearby island of Burano, and little did I know I was on my way to one of the most peaceful memorable islands I had ever seen. But first, a quick photo shoot for the Burano Boi. Yal peep the fresh rose in my pocket. Anyways Burano…

Can You Go To Venice And Not Ride The Gondola?

First things first. I saw every store in Venice selling these masks for some festival that happens in February, and even though it was the middle of June, I knew I had to get one! So there I was, the only person wearing an out of season mask in Venice, but hey you do what…