I Have This Reminder In My Phone That Says “Larcell Is Coming To London”

Buckle up boyz  cuz i gotta story for yal. I’m in Barcelona at a rave and I made an unforgettable friend. Like I said I’m at a rave so the amount of drinking and drug use going on is what you would expect. While im not on any drungs, I am kinda deep in that liquor and Im feeling good. Im interacting with so many people and then I come across my girl Leyla G! Im just talking to her and I say “yeah ive just been traveling a few months, im here in spain a few more days and then my last stop is London.” She was like “What!? I live in London! ill be back in a few days and ill show you around!” Obviously im not gonna hold a stranger at a rave to that promise so instead I just ride the rest of the party out and enjoy a good time.  We exchange Instagrams and I thought that would be the end of it.

Well guess what? Drunk Leyla G set a reminder in her phone that said “show Larcell around London” and remembered me! Haha Wild. So I pull up in the city and there we were from a party in Spain to now touring London. I found out about brick lane, we hit Shoreditch for some food, I had my first proper tea (oh I was so British), and finally, we ended up at tower bridge just talking through the night.  A vivid travel memory for me and a unique experience.

If you ever get around to seeing this Leyla G, thanx for setting that reminder on your phone. It might seem small to you, but it was big for me. You made me love London that much more. Keep setting those reminders for strangers! Oh, and tell Sherry I said Hi too!


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